Our UNICEF Rights Respecting School Level 2 Award Assembly
Today we were delighted to receive our UNICEF Rights Respecting School Level 2 Award from Mr. Paul Clarke UNICEF Ambassador and News Presenter for UTV during a special assembly. We have worked long and hard to be one of only 25 Primary, Secondary or Special Schools in Northern Ireland to reach this high standard in provision of learning in relation to the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child. We were especially delighted to be able to share the celebration with boys, girls and staff from Kilronan Special School and St. Brigid's Primary School, Mayogall. These schools have helped us along the UNICEF journey and we appreciate their support very much. Many thanks to everyone else who has supported us over the past years and will hopefully continue to support our school as we learn about and campaign for children's rights to be observed on a local and global level. Many thanks to Adrian Robinson for taking the photographs.