UNICEF & BT Help to Keep KPS #WhereHappyChildrenGrow

As a Rights Respecting School we are working closely with UNICEF & BT to deliver an Internet Safety Workshop for our Parents and their children.
BT’s volunteers will be in school to deliver ‘The Right Click: Internet Safety Matters’ workshop on:
Wednesday 20th April at 4pm.
The workshop will last around one hour.
The workshop brings together UNICEF UK’s child rights expertise with BT’s technological know-how around internet safety to give you the information you and your child need to navigate the risks and embrace the benefits technology brings.
All parents and their children are welcome to attend, but the workshop is particularly aimed at parents with children in Years 6 and 7. Part of the workshop includes a CEOP video aimed at children aged 8 and above. We think it is a really useful video to see but it is quite hard hitting. You can choose to step out with your children at this point if you’d prefer.
Children and young people have the right to access information and they are increasingly using the internet to learn, play and socialise. It is essential that children are empowered to take advantage of the internet's many benefits in a safe and informed way. The Right Click: Internet Safety Matters’ workshop is a unique opportunity for parents, guardians and children to talk about internet safety together.
“Attending this workshop is a great way to learn how to use the internet safely as it allows an open discussion and gives children the chance to learn how to make safe choices on the internet.” – Parent from a Rights Respecting School
The workshop has been jointly developed by UNICEF UK and BT to help keep children safe online, while encouraging them to become confident digital citizens. The workshop will offer you the opportunity to explore what your child likes doing online and what their concerns are, as well as providing advice on different safety features and how to set them.
If you would like to attend, please complete our online Parentmail reply form sent in late March.