P1 Applications

Starting P1 in September 2023
If your child was born between 2nd July 2018 and 1st July 2019 they will be due to start P1 in September 2023.
Our Open Night will be held on Thursday 12th January from 6pm to 8pm.
Applications for P1 pupils wishing to join in September 2023 are to be made online via the Education Authority Website. Applications for enrolment in September 2023 should be made before the closing date on the 27th January 2023 at 12noon.
Schools Admissions Criteria for 2023/24 is as follows:
- Children of compulsory school age.
- Children with siblings currently enrolled in the school.
- Children who are the eldest or only child in their family eligible to attend Primary School.
- Children whose home address is the shortest distance, as measured along the public road from the school-as decided by a digital measurement using 'RAC Route Finder.'
- In the event of two or more children living the same distance from school, the place will be decided by a draw witnessed by independents.